TLDR Press (Reg# 4400574) is a Sole Proprietorship registered with the Registry of Joint Stock Companies in Nova Scotia, Canada. Joshua Eaton, the Sole Proprietor of TLDR Press also serves as the Editor-in-Chief. Over the next year, TLDR Press has plans to convert into a privately owned corporation and will commit to disclosing that information once completed and an official office is purchased. For more information about TLDR Press, visit our About Us page
TLDR Press is vertically integrated with FrostTek Productions (Reg# 4363054) a Sino-Canadian joint venture based in the Gaspereau/Wolfville area of Nova Scotia, Canada. Joshua Eaton also serves as the Managing Partner of FrostTek Productions. TLDR Press is the former media division of FrostTek Productions and was legally separated as its own entity as of February 25, 2022.
For more information about FrostTek Productions, visit its website here.

A baseline of funding for TLDR Press has been established by Joshua Eaton the Sole Proprietor and Editor-in-Chief.
Passive revenue is generated through advertising dollars on streaming services such as Twitch, YouTube, and Rumble. Revenue generated through the before mentioned sources does not exert any editorial control over content produced or published by TLDR Press. In fact, the passive revenue generated from streaming services is relatively limited due to the potential demonetization of news-related content.
Viewers of streamed content may have the ability to make a donation or contribution through their respective platforms. These donations or contributions do not provide editorial control over any content produced or published by TLDR Press.
Supporters of TLDR Press can sign up on the website for a nominal monthly fee of their tier of choosing. Each level has corresponding privileges that allow them to interact with or directly contact members of TLDR Press outside of traditional channels.
Once TLDR Press has been registered as a private corporation, we will commit to releasing financial information even though not legally required under the law.
Currently, TLDR Press does not accept paid advertising slots; although we are open to the concept, an appropriate agreement that does not allow editorial control will have to be reached before we consider running any paid advertising slots